How to Remove the Website Field from WordPress Comment Form without Plugins


WordPress provides a convenient way to engage with your audience through comments. By default, the comment form includes fields for name, email, website, and the comment itself. However, there may be situations where you want to remove the website field to streamline the commenting process or discourage spam. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to remove the website field from the WordPress comment form without relying on plugins. We will also provide you with the necessary PHP code to implement this customization.

Step 1: Accessing the Theme Files:

To make modifications to the comment form, we need to access the theme files. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and navigate to “Appearance” -> “Theme Editor.” On the right side, you will see a list of theme files. Look for the file named “functions.php” and click on it to open in the theme editor.

Step 2: Editing the Functions.php File:

Once you have the “functions.php” file open, you can proceed to add the required PHP code. Before making any changes, it is always a good practice to create a backup of the file in case anything goes wrong.

Step 3: Removing the Website Field:

To remove the website field from the comment form, add the following PHP code snippet inside the “functions.php” file:

function remove_website_field($fields)
    if (isset($fields['url'])) {
        unset($fields['url']); // Remove the Website field
    return $fields;
add_filter('comment_form_default_fields', 'remove_website_field');

This code defines a function named remove_website_field that removes the website field from the comment form. The unset() function is used to remove the specific field from the array of comment form fields. The add_filter() function hooks this custom function to the comment_form_default_fields filter.

Step 4: Save the Changes:

After adding the code, click on the “Update File” button to save the changes made to the “functions.php” file.

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Step 5: Testing the Comment Form:

To confirm if the changes have taken effect, visit a page or post on your website where comments are enabled. You should now see that the website field has been successfully removed from the comment form.

Alternative Method.

function remove_website_field($fields)
    unset($fields['url']); // Remove the Website field
    return $fields;

function modify_comment_form_fields($fields)
    if (isset($fields['url'])) {
        unset($fields['url']); // Remove the Website field
    return $fields;

add_filter('comment_form_default_fields', 'remove_website_field');
add_filter('comment_form_fields', 'modify_comment_form_fields');

This code will remove the Website field from both the default comment form and any additional comment form fields added by plugins or customizations.

Please make sure to save the changes to your theme’s functions.php file and clear any caching mechanisms you may have in place. After implementing this code, the Website field should be hidden from the WordPress comment form.

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In this article, we have explained how to remove the website field from the WordPress comment form without relying on plugins. By following the steps outlined above, you can customize the comment form to meet your specific requirements. Remember to exercise caution when modifying theme files, and always create backups to prevent any potential issues. With the provided PHP code, you can easily remove the website field and streamline the commenting process on your WordPress website.

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